Testimonios Sudáfrica

Maravillosa experiencia en Sudáfrica

Dear Amanda

Thank U for write, my experience in Cape Town was amazing, you can make friends very easy, all people were friendly. In the beginning was hard, but I started to felt confident in myself. The school has everithing you need for your learnig, step by step, excellent teachers each of them have different personality, they do the class dynamic and funny, however I must to practice the work done in class each day. I sometimes go to the trips with the school but, it´s expensive.

Now I´m living in Bo-Kaap in a student residence that I found in a Website, his name is Gumtree, is big and beautiful, it’s near to Long Street a famous street where you can found nightclubs, pub, restaurants and backpages. About Cape Town, it´s exotic beautiful, all its nature, animals historic, gardens and of course, delicious food. All it´s near, and have all the necessary to be happy jaja. I must to be careful with my things because it´s a little dangerous ,of course I´m talking if you go out alone at 4 am after to drink some drinks, and the most important reason, Cape town is the same cost of live as Colombia, except the taxis, you have to use Uber.

About me I´m in Intermediate, I hope finish in Upper Intermediate is like a B2. Regarding my visa I have not extended yet, because I don´t know why I couldn’t pay with my credit card. I going to try again in this week.
A big hug to everybody, Jessica, Monica, Amanda. I going to gift souvenirs when I return to Colombia. And of course you can use my experience to your web site.
Sorry If I wrote bad, but you know why jajajaja. Thank U Kisses.

Cape Town

Mi aventura en Cape Town


Hi, my name is Jacob from Cali; I’m currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. I came in order to improve my English at EC Cape Town, it’s a school situated in City Down Town. I’ve been living here for 2 months, the city is lovely, surrounded by magnificent landscapes, the sea, table mountain, the vine yards, etc. The weather, the views, and the cheap cost of life make it a good option to reinforce the English skills. After the lessons it is possible to go to the beach in Clifton or Camps Bay, outdoors activities are wide, you can climb, hike, ride your bicycle and visit lions head, table mountain, etc. Only few cities are able to offer you that much of activities.

The process for the visa can be complicated, you only get 3 months visa for the first time, while you are in South Africa you must pay a second time visa Fee and wait until you get a response, is not 100% sure you will get the extension. Although Mundo Destinos helped a lot while I was in Colombia, it can be stressful to get the extension In SA; you must collect the same documents and give them to the Department of Home Affairs.

Jacob Abadia

Mi experiencia en Sudáfrica

Hola MD… Gracias por preocuparse por mí, estoy. Muy bien… la estadía me siento súper mi cuarto me gusta mucho la familia bien la comida no me ha parecido desconocido. Claro que ya comí avestruz y oveja, pero es rico cocina buena la mami. jajajjaja, el examen quedé en elementary la verdad pensé que iba quedar en 0 pero bien mis amiguitos de clase solo mujeres 6 francesas 2 brasileras y una de Angola… Como dicen BENDITO ENTRE LA MUJERES… no tengo problema con el transporte ya se coger y no me pierdo. Ya fui a Camp Bay Water Front Long Street. Y la gestión del trabajo ya va en proceso. Espérate unos diitas y te doy noticias buenas de trabajo. Ya estoy mirando vivienda. Cambio dólares en el banco local en EC es más caro la comisión del cambio es más alta… Por ahora no he pagado novatadas… Ya hice mercado de aseo y cosas varias. “pick and pay” he ubicado buenos restaurantes.

Bueno, bonito, barato. Como me gusta yo creo que mañana me encuentro con tu cuñis… (¡le hace falta una consonante a este teclado ya sabrás cual!) ok ya te saludé para que no digas que soy un ingrato estoy vivo y a salvo…. y estos retos son pa’ berracos nosotros los colombianos tenemos nuestro estilacho para sobrevivir así que don’t worry it´s ok. See you later madame. chao pues.

Diego Sabogal Cape Town

Mi viaje a Cape Town

Hi my name is Catherina Diaz I am from Colombia and I would like to write about my experiences in Cape Town.

First of all when I arrived here I stayed with a host family for my first month. This family was very friendly and helpful. The EC school is very good too but the first week I felt very strange because everything is new and your life is different. The classes are interesting because every day you learn something new, the classes are small, only ten students so it’s easier for you, your teacher and other students.

The city is wonderful, now the weather is the best because is summer, and you have a lot of beaches, so if you want, you can sunbathing every day. The people are very kind and the food is very good especially if you like spicy food. Here you can have a lot of activities, if you want to know about them you´ll have to come and live your own experience. And don’t forget this year the world cup is in south Africa.

Katherine Diaz
Cape Town

Viaje a Sudáfrica

¡Una parte de África!, una ilusión, un viaje y un sueño cumplido. ¡Tener la oportunidad de estar allí fue una experiencia inolvidable, más allá de mis límites!  gente linda, sonrisas sinceras, miradas escondidas, secuelas del Apartheid: Sentimientos mezclados que sensibilizan al más fuerte. Un país con un pasado triste y un presente con demasiado para ofrecer.

La tierra más favorecida de África en pleno desarrollo, tiene paisajes hermosos, vida salvaje emocionante y gente con ansias de felicidad. ¡Vale la pena dejar una huella y viajar a Sur África algún día! Los idiomas oficiales más reconocidos inglés y africano.

Amanda Bautista
Si quieren saber más sobre mi experiencia, pueden escribirme a mundodestinos@hotmail.com


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